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  • There is so much support available for Students whilst you are at College.


    Recharge is a tool to support student health and wellbeing.  Recharge is a self-referral scheme open to all students and can be downloaded below.   The purpose of this tool is to encourage Students to take ownership of their own health and wellbeing and provide ways and tools in how they can improve this. 

    Any student who feels that this tool will be of help to improve their Students can self-refer by downloading the document below and completing the online form.

    By doing this you will receive information on how to access free personal care products; gym membership, hair and massage/beauty treatment and guidance and self-support resource toolkit.   The scheme looks at a“holistic approach” with the aim of supporting students and providing support to encourage positive health and wellbeing.

    We continuously want to improve the service we provide for Students, so it is essential that we evaluate the impact of your experience.   Once you have downloaded the pack, you will be asked to complete an evaluation form on a monthly basis, over a period of 4 months, in order for us to measure the success of this referral system and to see if you feel any improvement to your own mental health and wellbeing.  You will not have to provide any data in this evaluation which will identify you personally.  This data will be used for reporting purposes and to evaluate the impact, so we can offer this in the future.