Update on Ukrainian Sumer provision
Currently we are awaiting information from West Lothian Council to provide financial support in order that we can deliver an ESOL conversation class at two locations across West Lothian, one here at college on a Friday morning and one in Linlithgow location to be confirmed. We are expecting an update on the 17th of June from the council.
West Lothian Council are also looking for extra funding to provide more beginners support in local community centres after the summer holidays.
West Lothian Council are also hoping to pull together a five week employability programme for Ukrainian refugees who have adopted the College/supported by A2E drop in ESOL Friday club as their gathering point, and are hoping we can make this multi-agency employability response.
The proposal is to run a five week programme, with targeted employability support, partner and industry engagement, looking at:
This has not been formally agreed please ensure students understand this !
Week 1, hopefully starting 23/7 will focus on transferrable skills/introduction to CV and it would be good to tie in with career guidance sessions and qualifications mapping from your team?
Week 2 will finalise the CV, a drop in session where advisers will be on hand for one to one support
Week 3 will focus on a job searching workshop then one to one support
Week 4 will be interview skills with hopefully employer input
Week 5 will be a mini jobs fair with targeted local employers who are seeking to recruit
At present the college have no intention to provide more full-time ESOL classes but we do have part-time classes that are available at no cost with an ITA.
Our intention is to also provide ESOL classes over the summer which will begin on the 23rd of June as follows with three classes as follows all classes 9am to 4 pm again we are awaiting
First class June 23rd to 29th June
Second class July 4th to July 8th
Third class July 11th to July 15th
Details to follow.